Hung TS Blondie Johnson
Canal 134

My name is Blondie Johnson, and as you probably noticed, I am a shemale. Among my hobbies are sex, reading, sex, swimming, more sex, playing the guitar and of course, shopping and even more sex :)

Acessos ao perfil: 39.292

Assinantes: 134

Inscrito: 3 de março de 2014 (3.798 dias atrás)

Contato: Bater-papo com Hung TS Blondie Johnson

Acerca de mim:

My name is Blondie Johnson, and as you probably noticed, I am a shemale. Among my hobbies are sex, reading, sex, swimming, more sex, playing the guitar and of course, shopping and even more sex :)Mostrar mais

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